Writer’s block

I don’t know what to write about. That’s not true. I have lots to write about — bits and pieces swirling around my head of life happening, one thing after another, day after day. I want to write about the makeup I bought a few days ago. The strange urge that came over me recently…


There’s this game I used to play when I was a little girl – maybe 10 or 12. My grandmother lived about 15 minutes from us by car through narrow, cobblestone streets, neighborhoods of small, square houses with messy gardens and metal gates. We visited her almost every Sunday. My brother and I sat in…


I like to stand at the foot of the bed and throw myself on the bouncy mattress. My hair splashes around my face like water and I pretend that I am a weightless, powerless body. I turn my palms toward the sky and hold my breath. That’s what I was doing as he packed his…