Sam is in love. Miss Asia is about 18, tall, with beautiful long, black hair. She is a new teacher at his preschool and she is not even his teacher, but that didn’t stop him from picking her as the one. All it took was one afternoon of playing with spray water bottles on the…

How Can I Help My Son Adjust to a New City?

It is one of those mornings. Sam woke up early and now he is in my bed, snuggled as close as possible, twirling my hair around his fingers. His breath is warm on my cheek and his long limbs are wrapped around me. “I don’t want to go to school, Mama. I don’t like my new…

The Problem With Date Night

It’s Saturday night. My parents are watching the kid. My hubby has the night off. I am a nervous wreck. Because the problem with date night is that it’s still, you know, a date. A date that I was hoping never to have to go through again after getting married. I was so done with…

My writing life: Agonize, revise, repeat

I’ve been thinking about this post for a while now, ever since Lauren asked me if I wanted to participate in the blog hop. As is my m.o., I immediately felt weird and guilty about participating. I mean, writing about my writing life assumes that I am a writer. (Or that, you know, I have…