
I write. I parent. I work in marketing.

Hungarian-Jewish-Mainer. I have a little boy and a crazy cat.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Liz Kincheloe says:

    I just read your blog about breast reduction. Thank you for posting your story. I am 41 and have 2 young children (5 & 7) and, as I’ve gotten older, have thought more and more about having a reduction. I can relate so very well with what you wrote and wonder why I don’t at least make an appointment to consult about the surgery. I guess I worry it will be too expensive and/or I will be disappointed in the results. I’m a 38G and would love to drop a few cup sizes. Any advice on how to find a good surgeon and questions to ask? I’m in the DC metro area, so resources are plentiful. Thanks again.

    1. zsmc says:

      My surgeon was recommended to me by my ob-gyn. I think your family doctor is probably also a good source of information about who has a good reputation in your area. In D.C. I am sure there are several options! Definitely ask about sensation after the surgery, scarring, and anything else that freaks you out, even if you think it sounds silly. Good luck!

  2. Cora says:

    For some reason I can’t comment on your five pounds of flesh piece on full grown people so hear I am. It resonated with me so greatly. I too have debated taking the next steps towards breast reduction surgery for years. I am a 34F and have struggled forever with them. Literally and figuratively. I also couldn’t breastfeed either of my children for a variety of reasons, including breast size. Oh, the irony. Lastly, since you’ve just moved to Connecticut, where I too live, I’d like to invite you to check out ctworkingmoms.com. It’s a blog I write for that I’m really proud of, that might help you as you navigate motherhood in CT.

    1. zsmc says:

      Hi! Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Good luck with making the decision about surgery. Let me know if you have any questions — I am happy to help. And thanks for the website recommendation. I will definitely check it out!

      1. Crystal says:

        I read your piece on BC and I say YRS! There are few things that elevate us in life. Whatever it takes to latch on to inspiration DO IT!

      2. zsmc says:

        Amen! 🙂

  3. I was just reading your article in the Washington Post and couldn’t figure out how to comment so I’ll do it here. My daughter is 23 now but when she was little I was always always looking for plausible explanations for all of the strange things that kids do. I’m convinced that for kids weapons aren’t about violence, they’re about power and power is a very big deal for little kids, it’s about pretending to big big and strong and powerful just like Mom, and that’s healthy.

    1. zsmc says:

      Hi Fran,
      Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I agree — kids definitely like to experiment and it is definitely healthy to let them do so! Thanks again for reading and commenting!

  4. Claire says:

    Wow! I love you! And when did you start reading my mind!?!?

    Thank you for amazing work that really is just what I needed (cue Boston song).


    1. zsmc says:

      Wow, thanks so much! So glad you stopped by!

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