
I had to do a quick calculation in my head to figure out how old you are in months. We have long ago stopped talking about you in terms of months—it’s been a long time since those were the big milestones: three months, six months, twelve months, eighteen… It’s also been a long time since…

Wondering about other writers

Just when I needed a little kick in the butt to get writing again, I saw this awesome post by Nina Badzin that was inspired by another post by Kristen M. Ploetz. I love being nosy like this, getting a brief glimpse into other writers’ lives and habits. And to get my writing juices flowing,…

Happy boobday

It’s actually tomorrow, but tomorrow is supposed to be crazy since I have taken up this other little part-time gig, plus the kid, plus Christmas party, plus my regular job… But I wanted to stop and talk about my boobs for a little bit. Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of my breast-reduction surgery. A year…

Math Problem

Sheets crumpled at the foot of the bed, the white, silky ones. Pillows thrown here and there, mismatched, warm, sleepy. A foot across my chest toes twitching from dreams of running biking swimming adventure. One arm tucked under his chest rising, rising. Another arm twisted, chubby palm on my thigh. A soft snore breath of…

Things Every Household Should Have

When I rented my first apartment right after college, I had two pots, a glass baking dish, a set of four plates and mugs, and a colander. And wine glasses, of course—mismatched, most of them left over from college parties. Even though it wasn’t much, I couldn’t imagine when I would use most of these…